Harmony, Inc. has graciously agreed to host MBHA contests at their Area Contests and Conventions as part of our Memorandum of Understanding.  Thank you Harmony, Inc.

They will be hosting quartets and new this year, choruses for 2024. In addition, for the first time, MBHA quartets and choruses are eligible to qualify to compete at the Harmony, Inc. International Contest and Convention this Fall. Qualifying score for quartets will be 828 (69 average) , and for choruses will be 816 (68 average).

If you should have any questions or concerns please contact amorton@mixedbarbershop.org.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

As a reminder, all MBHA contestants who perform in Harmony, Inc. contests must be members in good standing of MBHA both individually and as an ensemble, which means that all MBHA dues must be current. 

Convention Contest Contestants Results Scoresheet
2024 Harmony, Inc. Area 3 Convention & Contests, Syracuse, NY