A non-profit profile, Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the profile.  We would very much appreciate the sponsorship of any company willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense.

Trophy Notes:

Trophies belong to MBHA. No District or Area has the ability to take ownership of either the quartet or chorus trophy.

For each MBHA sanctioned contest held, District or Area must provide scores and standings to MBHA.
Trophy is awarded to the winners at appropriate District or Area contest on behalf of MBHA, to winning quartet or chorus who are members of MBHA. If winning quartet (or chorus) is not a member of MBHA, MBHA trophy is awarded to highest scoring MBHA ensemble. If there are no MBHA ensembles in the contest, the trophy is not awarded.

For full details please contact our Treasurer, Enter a valid position ID

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